Światowa konferencja deweloperów Apple


The annual Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is coming up and will begin on Monday 6th June and run till Friday 10th June. Here at RedboxVR we are eager to see the progress that Apple have made with their latest software updates. There are also some very interesting rumours circulating that Apple are planning to unveil their first headset that will offer a virtual reality experience at this conference.

Apple have long been thought to have been developing a mixed reality headset that will intertwine elements of virtual and augmented realities. However, Apple has always maintained complete silence regarding their plans. Eager Apple consumers have been awaiting an announcement for years and have been maintaining faith in Apple’s entry into the VR market by desperately looking for clues by combing through their App Store upload logs to uncover mentions of a RealityOS amongst other things.

Regardless of whether or not Apple’s long awaited headset does make an appearance at the conference, it will be fantastic to see the advancements in Apple’s software and operating systems.
