Rozpocznij korzystanie z Pico Neo3 Pro


This is a page dedicated to helping you get started with your Pico Neo3 Pro. If you have recently acquired your device and have never ventured into the world of VR before, it can be intimidating to get to grips with this new technology. Hopefully the below video guide will help to alleviate some of the worries you may have. Begin taking full advantage of one of the most exciting and revolutionary products of recent times!

Odtwarzacz YouTube

The above video includes the basics to get you started with your new Pico Neo3 Pro headset. Topics covered are charging, using the controllers, avoiding damage, turning on your headset and resetting the headset.

Jeśli obejrzałeś ten przewodnik wideo i nadal potrzebujesz dalszej pomocy, zapoznaj się z naszą sekcją pomocy, aby uzyskać inne samouczki. Jeśli te poradniki nie rozwiążą twojego problemu, skontaktuj się z nami.
