We’re thrilled to announce our sponsorship of this year’s ICE Live! ICE Live is a conference focused on road and community safety Virtual Reality education. The aim of ICE Live…
Kategori: Evenemang
Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2024
This Black Friday /Cyber Monday 2024, we’re offering an incredible deal on Pico 4 Ultra Enterprise and Neo3 headsets. When ordering multiple headsets, we’re throwing in some FREE Pico Motion…
RedboxVR at XRUK
Over the last couple of days, RedboxVR has been at the XRUK Conference at the ICC in Birmingham. XRUK is an annual conference for companies and public sector organisations that…
HTC VIVE feature RedboxVR in Air Cadet Case Study
HTC VIVE have recently featured RedboxVR in a Case Study they’ve put together about the RAF Air Cadets. The Case Study explores how we set up a VR arena alongside…
We’re going to ISTELive 24 in Denver!
ISTELive is one of the world’s most comprehensive EdTech events, attended by a global contingent of education leaders, teachers, coaches, librarians/media specialists and more. ISTE 24 is taking place on:…
RedboxVR Exhibit at the SETT Show
This week, we travelled to Stockholm, Sweden to exhibit at the SETT show. SETT took place from Tuesday 16th – Thursday 18th April. It’s Scandinavia’s largest conference for modern and…
RedboxVR has collaborated with RAF Air Cadets!
RedboxVR has recently collaborated with RAF Air Cadets to showcase the transformative potential of Virtual Reality in training the next generation of the Royal Air Force. Our collaboration has marked…
RedboxVR deltar i The Watercooler Event i London
Vikten av medarbetarnas välbefinnande och arbetsplatskulturen kan inte nog understrykas. I dagens snabba och konkurrensutsatta affärsmiljö har företag som prioriterar sina anställdas psykiska hälsa och arbetstillfredsställelse en...
BETT 2023 i översikt
Vi har återvänt från BETT 2023 i London! Vi njöt av möjligheten att visa upp våra VR-kit tillsammans med våra mjukvarupartners. Evenemanget var en stor framgång och vi fick...
Vi ska till BETT 2023!
Bett är den globala mötesplatsen för utbildningsteknik. Deras uppdrag är att väcka idéer, skapa kontakter och påskynda handel, driva påverkan och förbättra resultaten för lärare och elever. BETT är...