ThinkReality VRX

Engineered exclusively for enterprise

The Lenovo ThinkReality VRX is a slim, comfortable all-in-one VR headset that’s powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 chipset, making it ideal for soft skills training and simulation with 3DoF & 6DoF capabilities.

The display features a crisp 2280 x 2280 per eye resolution. Four front-mounted cameras provide 6DoF tracking, allowing you to move and manipulate virtual objects, bringing a new dimension to immersive training, collaboration, 3D design, and engineering.

Designed for longevity

Sizing is adjustable and the rear battery acts as a counterweight, giving the headset a light and balanced feel. This makes it comfortable for extended VR sessions anywhere VR training or collaboration needs to happen.

Pass-through technology enables MR applications, so you can superimpose 3D graphics on top of real-world images to get more done, all with a single XR device. Two full-colour, high-resolution pass-through cameras give users a seamless experience.

Experience true comfort

The Lenovo ThinkReality VRX was designed with comfort as a core requirement. The result is a slimmer profile than previous generations thanks to advanced optical engineering featuring new pancake lenses that minimize volume and weight.

Powering your virtual workplace

The future-ready Lenovo ThinkReality VRX is your on-ramp to the enterprise metaverse. It delivers immersive experiences that enable moving and manipulating virtual objects in simulated high-risk environments for technical skills training.

Purpose-build for business

Unlike VR solutions for consumer or gaming applications, the Lenovo ThinkReality VRX is designed for enterprise. The headset is constructed from hygienic materials for broader access, long life and reliable operation.


reduced risk of workplace injuries when using virtual reality

“80+ Virtual Reality Statistics 2022”, May 2022


faster training of soft skills compared to classroom training

PwC, “VR Soft Skills Training Efficacy Study”, 2020


of employees more confident after VR training

PwC, “VR Soft Skills Training Efficacy Study”, 2020

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