Canon introduces Kokomo, their new VR platform they have recently been unveiling. The platform aims to allow users to use Canon cameras alongside a smartphone to converse within a virtual…
Category: News
Ricoh launch the Ricoh Theta X
Today Ricoh have launched a new model in their Theta line. The new model has been titled the Theta X. It’s the newest addition to the line that has been…
The Benefits of using Virtual Reality in Education
There are many benefits of using virtual reality technology in education. Among the advantages are the higher rate of immersion and the various applications for eLearning, from virtual classrooms to…
Meta will meet with The Information Commissioner’s Office
Meta will meet with The Information Commissioner’s Office. They will discuss whether or not its Oculus Quest 2 complies with their Children’s Code. The Children’s Code is a data protection…
THE Campus conduct research into educational VR
THE Campus conduct research into educational VR. Professor Ithai Stern outlines how best to shape and deploy virtual reality as a tool to enhance learning experiences. Many educators tend to…
Sony files patent for new VR scanning technology
An unearthed patent has revealed that Sony is working on developing a VR scanning technology. The tech will allow users to scan real-world objects and import them into a video…